Moving on to the idea behind this concept, "AMillionHearts" online ads took the initial concept of the pixel ad and spice up some additional elements to it. So, you might ask, how could it be better than the original? Nothing is really original anymore under the sun.
That is where the next part of the idea came in, I was thinking on how about if we helped a lot of less fortunate people? What if we took the concept of pixel advertising and added the concept of donating 50% to charity - that's awesome, as the result I welcome the birth of "WALL OF GENEROSITY".
On another twist, "AMillionHearts" ads service are open to both individual and corporate to place an ads on our "WALL OF GENEROSITY" page with the objective to generate RM2,000,000 and 50% is donated into various charity bodies and less fortunate people in Malaysia to ensure their welfare are taken care of.
I believe, in order to be self-sustainable in the long term, every single cents donated will be invested into secured government linked mutual funds such as Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020, Amanah Saham Malaysia or Amanah Saham 1Malaysia to generate return continuesly - for non stop donation - over the long term i would establish a foundation to safeguard these money. I rationally believe with prudent investment and protecting the principal, it would directly contribute to the sustainability of my donation efforts. I would stop the online ad service on my "WALL OF GENEROSITY" website once the RM1,000,000 worth of donation funds is achieved. Don't be shock, infact, I would still continue to provide help as long as possible with my long term investement plan. Donation will be make from time to time when opportunity arose with all the details will be posted online for viewing and documents are available for verification.
I believed a powerful idea like that could help an awful lot of people - as we are Malaysian who are always eager and love for charity. To those who placed an ads, in addition to the website traffic and page rank boost, they would also be able to enjoy a public relations boost as they enhance their relationship as a good corporate citizen and being a generous public in donating. But, if people that buy space on the AMillionHearts Web Page do not have to have a website that they want to promote, they may just want to help a good cause, and that is great, too, since we would offer a generosity page for their good cause to beknown.
I look forward to hearing from you!
All the best,
Founder of the "A Million Hearts" Project
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